1 Scope, customer information 
The following general terms and conditions (GTC) regulate the contractual relationship between the Hiro GmbH ( UID ATU76783526 ) and consumers who purchase goods through our store. The contract language is English. 

 2 Conclusion of contract 
(1) The offers on the Internet represent a non-binding invitation to you to buy goods. (
2) You can add one or more products to the shopping cart. During the ordering process, you enter your data and wishes regarding payment method, delivery modalities, etc. You only make a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract when you click on the order button. 
(3) With the confirmation of receipt sent immediately by e-mail, the acceptance of the offer is also declared and the purchase contract is thus concluded. 

3 Customer information: 
No storage of your order data. Your order with details of the concluded contract (e.g., type of product, price, etc.) will not be stored by us. We will send you the terms and conditions, but you can also call up the terms and conditions at any time via our website. If you would like to save the product description on our shop page for your purposes, you can, for example, take a screenshot (= screenshot) at the time of ordering or print out the entire page. 

4 Customer information: 
Correction note You can correct your entries at any time before submitting the order with the delete button. We will inform you about further correction options through the ordering process. You can end the ordering process anytime by closing the browser window. 

5 Retention of title 
The purchased item remains our property until full payment. 

6 Warranty / Complaints 
There are statutory warranty rights for our goods.
If goods are delivered with apparent transport damage, please report such errors to the deliverer immediately and contact us as soon as possible.
If, after opening the package, you discover that the delivered goods do not correspond to your order or the information on the invoice is incorrect, please contact us as soon as possible (within 24 hours at the latest). We will inform you in writing as quickly as possible about how to proceed.

If the purchased product deviates from the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, be sure to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

If the customer is responsible for physical or chemical damage (e.g. due to improper maintenance), his complaint is not justified.

The customer has the right to return the goods 14 days after purchase without giving any reason. In this case, the customer bears the costs for the return.

Failure to make a complaint or contact has no consequences for the statutory warranty claims of customers. It only serves to support the provider in asserting his claims against the company commissioned with the delivery of the goods or the insurance company.
A warranty claim is, in any case, limited to the purchase price of the delivered and defective goods.
We fulfill our warranty obligations at your option either by delivering goods free of defects or by the rescission of the contract (i.e., repayment of the purchase price) within a reasonable time.

7 Limitation of liability
 We exclude liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty, provided these do not relate to essential contractual obligations, damage from injury to life, limb, or health, guarantees, or claims under the Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG). The same applies to breaches of duty by our vicarious agents and legal representatives. The essential contractual obligations include, in particular, the obligation to hand over the item to you and to give you ownership of it. Furthermore, we have to provide you with the item free of material and legal defects.

Online Disupte Resolution

The European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform is provided by the European Commission to make online shopping safer and fairer through access to quality dispute resolution tools. All online retailers and traders in EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway are obliged to provide an easily accessible link to the ODR platform and an e-mail address for the ODR platform to contact you (Article 14 of the Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 ).

If you have received a notification from the ODR platform, it means a consumer has an unresolved problem with a good or service purchased from your online store and chose to use the ODR platform to find a solution.